Mystical Illuminating Nectar's Divine Compassion of Enlightenment, Unity, and Revelation

Beware False Information

Some people fabricated lies meant to slander our media, with the intent of damaging the reputation of unocre's founders and smearing dirt on the whole editorial team of our media. We do not acknowledge such persecution and the people responsible in this case must bear all the karmic retribution that goes with such irrensponsible actions.

Those who played negative roles ask yourselves, why can't I calm my mind and resume normal course of action? Maybe you should, for a time, cultivate in a distraction free environment, before returning to the public eye.

Whoever tries to undermine the reputation of our media, whoever incites hatred, plans violence or tries to disturb the privacy of our team will be exposed and reported to the authorities.

uncore editorial team
15. november 2022