Don't Die
Why? Forming old religions is a great endeavour. When Isus Christos came to the world to teach about the Heavenly Kingdom he did concern himslef with those solely in dire need of help. Many people nowadays have money on their minds. Our disciples - they are already clarifying the truth to the many people of this world. Money is just an illusory entity, Mammon, created as a barter tool between humans. Take for yourselves an example set forth by Buddha and his monk or lay disciples or by bezsriebrenniks, the saints that refused to respect money and instead focused on the Divine Kingdom.
Isus Christos consciousness is obtainable, especially it's forms of the past and it's evolution throughout the history. The same goes for the Buddhist concepts of various states of consciousness. Many schools were developed to accommodate various beings and the climate of their times. Why is it so hard today to forge your own mighty path? It is precisely because of the callings to safeguard the Earth's ecosystems that many people's fortunes, livelihoods and fantasies are destroyed by the Divine. This too is being taught by our disciples.
Recreating the whole Earth is indeed possible, yet on the level of preservation of culture and ways of humans, as well as individual personalities, it was decided by beings up above to instead continue this kalpa's version and let the children of man to form the new harmonious futures. Enlightened beings came to the world not to usurp worldly power, but to establish the culture and norms for future immortals.
Ri Yaouyue
8. March 2024
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