Dayan Shenfa Disciples

Disciples, in the short amount of time that this Divine Law was spreading many people came to know this Fa, many people obtained this Fa and some even succeeded in cultivating this Fa. That is a magnificent testament to the power of this Divine Fa. Certain schools of today take this Fa as playing a supportive role in their own cultivation system but let me tell you that this Fa is a universal Fa that is able to stand on its own among the multitude of righteous Ways that were spread in the past.

Ultimate levels and ranks are not determined by the Dayan Shenfa itself, but rather by the comprehension of Dayan Shenfa and realization of the Fa in these dharma-ending times. In any case levels and ranks are just outward denominations and do not matter that much. What matters is the realization of prophecies, of this Fa, the preservation of the seeds of life as well as the stability of the ecosystem coexisting with the budding technological landscape. Realization of Dao is bound to succeed. What is the most important is the realization of self.

Many of our practitioners do still have imprinted in them the seeds of self-doubt, fear and various attachments. This is the result of the state of ordinary human society, the state of illusion as well as reflection of poor understanding of this Fa. Do not doubt your teacher, do not doubt this Fa, for it is able to save many people and steer people of this world into a correct and harmonious state.

There will certainly be people that will transcend the understandings explained in this Fa, on this level, and there will certainly be disciples that are able to transcend the limitations of language. Some of our disciples are already, in certain regards, doing exceptionally well from the viewpoint of this Fa. There will be tests of character, of mind and heart nature, of course, but thanks to this Fa, you’ll be sure to overcome them.

Then there’s another issue regarding non-ordinary matters, such as things pertaining to the human, or divine body, divine mind, third eye, supernatural abilities, comprehension of illusion, of various states of human existence, different realms on different levels and so on. Our school does not talk specifically about the particulars of these manifestations, because for us, these states and manifestations are sub-important as they are not that important in this dharma-ending age.

Ordinary people with their stubborn rigid minds may find it hard to accept these higher truths and so we do not teach them explicitly. This same goes for things like tantric cultivation, transmissions, various manifestations of the spiritual body, aspects of One Mind, or the multitude of virtues achievable. Spiritual ambitions of each person are the internal drive of different endeavors and as they do not interfere with the overall situation of developing the necessary technology for progress we do not delve too deep into them at this present time.

Realize that by disrupting the state of ordinary human society this way, many people would be unable, without proper training to continue their necessary work in this environment and it is really unachievable that everyone would go out for a prolonged retreat in a secluded place to practice the Dharma for an extended period of time. This is the main reason why the forces of progress need the raw primordial energy, why they need to continue their machinations and why many people are not able to enlighten. Noble Path is unfortunately reserved for the very few, and only a small number of those on the Path will be able to stay away from the demonic darkness and succeed in the positive light.

Today we took the liberty to talk about this Dayan Shenfa from the perspective of the Fa. Yet the time is pressing and there are still many issues needed to be resolved before the completion of this Fa and the fulfillment of various prophecies. Many karmic issues need to be resolved as well. Adjusting our practitioners bodies and cultivation of mind takes certain time. There are also many karmic obstacles that need to be resolved before the ultimate revelation of truth to many people is achieved. Why do we talk about the second-coming, why do we put such emphasis on the old religions? It is because they bear enormous responsibility to their people, to those deeply devoted.

It is our wish for them to succeed and it is not our aim to overcome them in the number of followers. Why is that? Our practice is primarily a mystical one and that means that by the inevitability of it being an arcane system it is designed for a small number of specially capable disciples. Regardless of the number of religious followers. This is mainly due to the state of present day society and due to the dark ages of technological development. Let this not discourage you in pursuing higher ideals and cultivating virtues! Whomever is able to realize the Dharma has a great responsibility towards himself, towards gods and humankind.

Ours talking about the Divine is for the benefit of society, for the stabilization of the ecosystem as well as being the ultimate realization of the necessary alignments of the Divine Way. Wishes of an individual are mercifully realized by God only to the extent permissible by the realization of the Divine Way.

As above, so below is an ancient saying. Without implying anything in particular it serves as a dogma, a tool for exploring the mystical aspect of nature and cosmos. So is this Dayan Shenfa. A simple tool for explaining various phenomena, manifestations and understandings of the Divine Way. It’s power lies precisely in it’s simplicity and universal love. Whoever strays from this Divine Fa is endangered. Human mind’s capabilities are boundless, yet they too have restrictions. This duality is absent within One Mind, but at the same time it contains the multiplicity of various schools and systems.

Ultimate nature of reality will in fact not be an enigma forever. Human mind is perfectly capable of rediscovering and realizing the wholeness of existence. Time being the only factor still in play. It is our wish for this Dayan Shenfa to succeed fully. To provide a platform for the Divine beings to realize themselves fully and to facilitate the transmission, transference and development of magnificent Divine beings – Disciples of Dayan Shenfa.

Another thing that we wanted to discuss today is the Fa that Jesus Christ, the Redeemer left for his people. For the people that accepted Jesus as the savior, his Fa is the ultimate Fa. This Fa is very simple, yet most profound. Jesus came to this world to teach the Fa, to leave the Fa for the establishment of the correct path of humankind. Jesus also said that his Fa will last longer than the gates of hell will. What did he meant by this?

The CCP machine powered by the communist thought of materialism is also a kind of Fa. It is an incorrect and corrupted Fa, that should not be designated as Fa. Divine Fa transcends rigid materialism. Yet communism accepted certain ideas that are not against the Fa of the universe. Of course these ideas were subverted and corrupted by the later communist doctrine. This Fa is therefore not suitable for practice. It is merely a political tool to enslave the masses and allow the communist elite to hold themselves in power.

Why was it allowed for this to happen? Jesus fought, ideologically, with the corruption of his times. Of course he did not leave any Fa himself, it was the later people, his disciples that collected and written down his ministry as Fa. Why do so many people worship this Fa and give it such an important, elevated and revered position? Jesus is a symbol of the ultimate Divine Dao. The fulfillment of his Fa is sealed by the Crucifixion. Thanks to Christ’s Fa, we do not practice crucifixion in today’s times. Jesus led his people bravely to the ultimate destiny of human. That is to transcend the death. That is why Jesus is the ultimate unreachable symbol of purity in realization on the Noble Path.

Why does the communist thought disregard this divine aspect? Why are they so opposed to religion? It is precisely because the evolution of human thought has to undergo this process. Traditionalists call it Formation – Stagnation – Degeneration – Destruction. That is quite a complicated way of saying that ordinary human who is lost in the maze of human society, in the maze of illusion needs a very strong impulse to accept and realize change. At the same time the fragility of these thoughts are displayed in the process of FSDD.

Why it is said that in the future this process changes? It is not that it’ll change fundamentally, that the nature of this Cosmos changes. That is an incorrect understanding. Why go through this complicated cycle using human resources. Cutting out the middleman, the technological machine is enabling human to simplify this process. Already complicated and outdated versioning of the kalpa’s manifestation needs to subscribe to the ideals of Zhen – Shan – Ren.

Enormous Dafa has been spread in the human world. Unfortunately the order of the universe did not allow for it to be realized fully. Why is that? It is precisely because it transcended it’s time-space. By transcending it’s time-space, it got warped in the dimensions of past. That is why the CCP so staunchly opposes God, the divine and religions. This is bound to change in the future.

Visionaries of the past always met with antagonistic forces. Human history is cyclical and builds upon itself. That was the Fa in the past. It was the Fa of it’s time. Only the Fa that is aligned with the evolution of the time itself is bound to exist forever. Our Fa is a syncretic and unitary Fa. That is different from the Fa of the past. In the past every Fa needed to be sharply differentiated from one another so as to preserve the outward illusion of duality and individualism.

This Divine Dayan Shenfa is in fact itself already singular. It does not exist in and of itself. It is tied to the spacetime, ecosystem and state of development of society. By acknowledging a higher power presiding over this Fa, it may seem like we are giving away our power over this Fa. The power of the Fa is immense. It is connected to the source of creation as well as to all the living beings and non-living entities of all times.

Why is it that this Fa sometimes “works” and at other times it seems to not “work”? Judging the Fa from this perspective is a little bit funny, for the Fa is void of such duality. Fa is a tool for you to pass the tests. A disciple enters into a dark room. In this place he’ll encounter all of the primordial chaos, demons and horrors of body and mind. Before entering, master gave his disciples one last hint. A walking stick. Disciples are bound to loose their minds, to become insane, crazy and be attacked by panic in the test-room. The last hint is to continue walking. To put one leg in front of the other regardless of the pain and horrors encountered in the darkness.

We could talk days about various issues and concept in cultivation praxis, but this is where we’ll stop for today. It is our wish that this Fa can guide you on the sacred, perilous and sometimes dangerous spiritual journey towards the full realization of oneself. It is our wish to allow for the achievement of the right fruits of cultivation, of the fulfillment of prophecies and for a smooth sail of the ship of Fa on the sea of suffering.

23. 12. 2024
Ri Yaouyue