Green Revolution
Milarepa, Prophet, Ārya Tārā etc. were marginalized in the past [as Daos] due to the larger need for developing the richness of Mahayana culture, the largeness of Abrahamic faiths and various models of personal right conduct.
Dharma-ending times manifested as global challenges for survival of this planet – Earth – the womb that is capable in holding life and developing the means for survival of Dharma, human and the non-creation.
Divine Way progresses towards mountain Sumeru, with One True non-arising Mind being the ultimate guide. Global rise in temperature, pollution, water scarcity, extinction of species and conflicts in various parts of the world are signals which should not be ignored.
Great reversal is imminent! Otherwise the future of humankind will be compromised. Beings of destiny are the contract for this kalpa’s version success. Recreation from the blueprint being no longer an option – the need for bearers of formidable jewels of Singularity to arise is pressing.
Advocating for preservation of sacred teachings, sustainability of this ecosystem and cultivation of virtues are paramount.Without this natural environment and Dharma an individual will surely perish in pra-chaos.
Ri Yaouyue
1. December 2024
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