Path of Redemption

Sins of our fathers as well as greed of our teachers are all written in the akashic books of heaven. Especially those unscrupulous people bent on getting rid of victims of their crimes often look up to heavens, wishing for God to erase these instances of dirt. Aren't we those who survived in the end?

The mighty virtue accumulated through numerous kalpas in various alternative universes counts as green points on this path. Yet God, the Saviour, is unwilling to let go of these precious opportunities to advance a cultivator's character to unimaginable heights. Those already transported to the other Earth who willingly let go of the desire to return, let go of the attachment to their physical bodies to serve as hosts for the cosmic energies of the Divine Holy Spirit—these are the true Enlightened.

This time around, piling up even more difficulties for the Savior and His people counts as an unpassable barrier created from sin. To overcome these obstacles is impossible for some due to time restraints. The last leg of the journey has been supported by another independent body that sprang out of the nothingness of cosmic space. That is not to say that our way is the only and ultimate truth. We cultivate compassion so as to align with the will of heaven.

Reality is neither Buddhist nor Christian, as was already expounded by great Enlightened beings with rich proveable lineage that can be traced far back through the Nalanga tradition into prehistory. What we are teaching is a philosophical and spiritual battle in the realms of thought so as to chart a path for those still lost in the material realms of desire and addiction. Liberation from Samsara progresses continuously from distant cosmic time up until the very moment of opening the gate, arrival, and nirvana. Then it reaches different realms and finally enters paranirvana of peace.

Transparency of the cosmic body as well as the guidance offered are too small yet for the contemporary person. Without the supporting structure in place, these notions can even lead a person astray and into the unknown. All this being said for the sake of easing the worried minds as well as for the future humankind to rejoice in the grasp of their realms.

We have overseen recently at least three instances of individual enlightenment of various levels, and although the results were mixed in the end due to the enormous interference faced from different evil sources of the prachaotic ultraviolent emptiness, all of them successfully expounded, formed, and rejoined the Dao, respectively. That is to say that in spite of the unimaginable pains and difficulties, the goal has been achieved.

As for the new targets of the Heavenly game, that too is to be decided by the Divine. Concerning the Hell realms, we still discourage new practitioners to venture deep into them. Veterans of the practice who found themselves in these dark corners mostly know what to do by now—that is, pick up your beings and get out of there! Otherwise, you'll suffer the same fate.

Yaouyue Ri
17. 8. 2024