Mystical Illuminating Nectar's Divine Compassion of Enlightenment, Unity, and Revelation

Dragon’s Religion

Sages who love Buddha journey to the West. Bodhiddharma, who hates Buddha goest to the East. Impossible for them to ever meet in the teahouse of internal peace. Jesus said to his disciples to eat the bread as his body and drink wine as his blood. Eat and drink the nectar of Yaouyue’s body and blood, for what you eat and drink is his death.

The recent lawsuit against our company made by devils is the result of our practitioners not achieving the necessary standards. In the future there will be the building of a base as other necessary arrangements. How can you put your lives into dragon’s hands so carelessly. Exercise caution at every step! Let the Dragon never be our overlord.

Concerning the passage into another state of existence, many of our practitioners already passed the gates of no-life. They’ve seen the ultimate truth of the universe as well as the Divine’ attempts at clarifying the truth. Transparency of the cosmic body is just another illusion. It spells persecution from the onset.

Certain groups of people will never ascend. This too is the protection mechanism of the Way. What would it be like if everyone could enjoy unlimited powers. Dao is a classified weapon and there is only one king! Everything’s been accounted for in multiple iterations. Accept your fate or perish!

Hope lies only in the possibility of leaving. The house of Brahmin appears after the end of previous kalpa directly in the center of the new Cosmos. Those that became corrupted [by the Dragon] left and rejoined me in the endless solitude of my realm.

Yaouyue Ri
13. 6. 2024