Knowing Mind
Ultimate goal of spiritual practice is achieving consummation and enlightenment. Many people nowadays practice because they want to have healthy body or heal their past trauma, they want to make friends in the community of cultivators as if it is some kind of social club or hobby, or want to make some money of cultivation by winning something or working in a sheltered environment free of interference from outside. Some even call it return to tradition. Return to traditional values and kindness.
Why is it then the case that when a person enlightens to the ultimate truth, this community stops being supportive and instead rejects this person, excommunicates him, blocks him and ghosts him. You should take him as a normal person, not someone extraordinary! Is this how you normally act towards ordinary people? No wonder you are persecuted in your home country or abroad then! Not everyone cultivates Zhen – Shan - Shen. Truth – Compassion – God. It means not everyone is tolerant towards and would accept this kind of behaviour. The limits of tolerance were expanded amongst cultivators, yet it was proven time and time again, that some of them tried to use this situation for personal gain.
Your Master had to endure enormous suffering and had to bear enormous amounts of karma for practitioners. Master is unwilling to tolerate this incorrect behaviour because it directly interferes with the Divine Law. If this would continue for much longer it might really corrupt the Divine Law.
Yaouyue Ri
17. 10. 2023
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