Mystical Illuminating Nectar's Divine Compassion of Enlightenment, Unity, and Revelation

On Wealth

Some people, thanks to great established virtue from past lives are born into riches and splendour. Other people's destiny is fight their whole life for a piece of daily bread. Why is it then that some people become successfull in life and other's estates fall to notihing? It has to do with the beleif in the divine, with the predestined life path and the ability to safeguard the virtues. Everyone wishes to become well of, and nobody wants to suffer of thirst and hunger. Therefore, people will do anything to acquire basic human environment and necessities for survival. This includes fighting with eachother and fighting with whole nations. On the level of ordinary people, this is how things are manifested. Of course, the Gods in heaven do not look at it this way. They do not necessary need things like clothes, water, food, or buildings to survive and prosper. Therefore when looking at ordinary human society, they consider these things dirty and useless.

People who wish to align with the divine should comprehend these concepts before moving forward.

Today's people are sometimes ashamed of their belief in the Heavens. This was in fact also truth in the past. It is nothing new. It is the result of incorrect thinking. To believe in the Divine is to acknowledge higher power residing over oneself and the universe. This requires quite an advanced mode of thinking. Of course the environment also plays a role.

To reach the divine standards at that level, return to tradition that bears the wisdom of the people of the past. Some say hey led a primitive life, but it is exactly their virtue that under these extreme conditions, they were able to thrive, prosper, and chrish the Heavens. The nations that chrished the Divine survived, while those that diverted from God perished. This is a big lesson from history for today's humankind.

Yaouyue Ri
1. 3. 2023